
Monday, February 05, 2007

Micro Technologies - Going Turkey

Micro Technologies Enters The Turkish Market With Easy Fleet Solutions

Micro Technologies India Ltd has announced that the Company is entering the Turkish Market with one of its Vehicle Security, Life support and Fleet Monitoring System through its alliance with Easy Fleet Solutions.

Growing competition and maturity in the vehicle management & security across the Middle-East Market is resulting in a shift towards integrated systems and services and increased market consolidation. The Turkish market has generated a huge demand of vehicle Fleet Monitoring and tracking equipment. The use of such products can provide significant cost and timesaving techniques over traditionally scheduled, time-based maintenance to upkeep the vehicles. With the innovative product and successful track record, Micro Fleet Monitoring has emerged as the unique solution to provide the customers with new solutions that provide competitive advantage with advance technology. Even the Turkish government has emphasized on developing transport policy to improve the energy, efficiency of fleet through sophisticated fleet monitoring systems. In order to benefit from the lucrative growth opportunities in this sector, the Company has come up with a technologically advanced product, which can not only manage vehicle fleet but also can save as much as 30% in the cost incurred in fleet operations.

Micro Fleet Monitoring System is a web based monitoring system, which has been developed to manage and track vehicle fleet owned by different Fleet Owners. It is a powerful vehicle monitoring system that functions as a gateway to the information and knowledge that is unique to our Company. Features include real time vehicle tracking interfacing with GIS (Geographic Information System) on map, Report Generation (Start time, date, vehicle number), Intimation on route deviation, Fuel-Theft, Two-way communication etc. The product works on both GSM / CDMA technologies.

The Company System will certainly be a new realm of technology in terms of Easy Fleet solutions in Turkey Market in coming future.



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